We are so glad you found your way here! Our goal is to post as often as possible with a variety of topics about our West Africa partnership, including cultural information, logistical information about upcoming trips and training opportunities, updates and pictures from trips, prayer requests, and any other bit of information that comes to mind about West Africa or the Maninka people....the place and people group that God is burning into our hearts and calling us to join Him at work among the nations!

As you read, we pray God also stirs your heart for this area of world! If you do sense Him urging you to action, we'd love to hear from you and help you plug into this ministry!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

VoF - Cracking the Egg

Voices of the Faithful (VoF) is a moving 366-day devotional for men and women from Beth Moore and the International Mission Board. It features true stories of courage, inspiration, and God's faithfulness, written by hundreds of missionaries. There are 38 West Africa specific prayer letters that we will begin to share on this blog. Though God has lead us to partner among the Maninka, some of these devos will reference other people groups and places in West Africa. Please read and then pray for West Africa and for the Maninka. Think of the potential movement of the Holy Spirit generated by God's People joining together in a singular purpose!

Cracking the egg

“This sin will become for you like a high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant. It will break in pieces like pottery.”
Isaiah 30:13–14a (NIV)

Throughout the Bible, names of people and places held great meaning and significance. Who would imagine that same concept would be found in Mali (MAL-ee) with the Dunn people. The name Dunn translates as “egg.” If my name meant “egg,” I’m not sure I would be thrilled, but these people are happy about their name. For many months, this love for being called “egg” was a mystery to me.

From the moment I entered the village, the people were friendly yet cautious. Being the first American in the village, they were just as curious about me as I was of them. They did, however, allow me to work in the fields with them, although they thought my hands were too soft.

Finally, after months of working and talking together, one of them trusted me enough to reveal the significance of their name. One can tell an egg is an egg from the outside, but he has no idea what is inside until he cracks it. No one really knows what is hiding inside the shell.

This definition has proved true in my experience. The people seem friendly, but I still don’t know what is in their hearts and minds.

The exciting part of this journey is that the egg is beginning to crack! May the shell continue to crack by the love of Jesus.

God showed me to ask, what is the egg in my life? What am I trying to hide from the world or from God? Eggs were created to be cracked and used.
—Lori, West Africa

Father, thank You that You are bringing the gospel to the Dunn people group of Mali, West Africa. Continue to “crack the shell” so that Your Word can penetrate inside their hearts. May I examine myself today to see what I am trying to hide from You or others. Amen.

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