We are so glad you found your way here! Our goal is to post as often as possible with a variety of topics about our West Africa partnership, including cultural information, logistical information about upcoming trips and training opportunities, updates and pictures from trips, prayer requests, and any other bit of information that comes to mind about West Africa or the Maninka people....the place and people group that God is burning into our hearts and calling us to join Him at work among the nations!

As you read, we pray God also stirs your heart for this area of world! If you do sense Him urging you to action, we'd love to hear from you and help you plug into this ministry!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Prayer Needed!!!!

A LifePoint team leaves TODAY for West Africa! Below is a prayer card with some specific prayer points. (Click on the picture to enlarge and/or print) Please be in prayer for our team, our partners, and the Maninka over the next 10 days specifically! We'll try to update as we have communications with them!

Thank you for partnering with us through prayer to impact West Africa!!!!!

1 comment:

lauraknight said...

Thank you for posting specific prayer requests. We will be lifting them up to the Father.